Foxes are intelligent animals that are capable of learning a variety of behaviors. Some of the most common learned behaviors of foxes include:
* Hunting: Foxes learn how to hunt by observing their parents and other adult foxes. They learn what types of prey to look for, how to stalk prey, and how to catch it.
* Foraging: Foxes also learn how to forage for food. They learn where to find food, what types of food are safe to eat, and how to avoid predators while foraging.
* Communication: Foxes use a variety of vocalizations and body language to communicate with each other. They learn how to use these communication signals to convey different messages, such as danger, hunger, and mating interest.
* Denning: Foxes learn how to build and maintain dens. They learn where to find suitable den sites, how to build a den that is safe and comfortable, and how to keep the den clean.
* Raising young: Foxes learn how to raise their young. They learn how to provide food and shelter for their cubs, how to protect them from predators, and how to teach them the skills they need to survive.
These are just a few examples of the many learned behaviors of foxes. These behaviors allow foxes to adapt to their environment and survive in the wild.