Why are pumas in danger?

Loss of habitat: The biggest reason for the decline in mountain lion population is the ongoing destruction and fragmentation of their habitat. Urbanization and development have encroached on their natural ecosystems, which forces them to adapt to smaller or new areas that may not be sufficient for their survival.

Hunting and poaching: Mountain lions have been subject to hunting and poaching over the years, both for sport and for population control. Despite being protected in some areas, illegal killing and trapping still occur.

Prey depletion: The depletion of natural prey due to overhunting, habitat loss, and climate change negatively affects mountain lion populations. When their main sources of food decline, cougars struggle to find sufficient sustenance and their numbers subsequently decrease.

Human-wildlife conflict: As human populations expand into mountain lion territories, conflicts between people and cougars become more common. In response, mountain lions are often killed in an effort to protect human lives and livestock.