How do you report a cougar sighting?

If you see a cougar in person you should:

1. Stay calm and don't run. Running can trigger the cougar's predatory instincts. Back away slowly while facing the cougar. Make eye contact and try to appear as large as possible.

2. Make noise by clapping your hands, stomping your feet, or shouting. This will help to deter the cougar.

3. If you are attacked, fight back as hard as you can. Use anything you can find as a weapon, such as rocks, sticks, or your backpack.

4. Once the cougar has left, report the sighting to the local wildlife agency or conservation officer. This will help them to track the cougar and prevent it from harming anyone else.

When reporting a cougar sighting, be sure to include the following information:

* Date and time of the sighting

* Location of the sighting

* Description of the cougar (size, color, markings, etc.)

* Behavior of the cougar (aggressive, curious, etc.)

* Any other relevant information (such as if you were with a group of people, if you had any pets with you, etc.)

By providing this information, you can help wildlife officials to better understand the cougar population and take steps to prevent future conflicts between humans and cougars.