Plant Matter:
* Algae: They graze on algae growing on rocks and other surfaces.
* Seaweed: Some species will eat seaweed, especially if it's decaying.
* Fruits and Vegetables: They enjoy fallen fruits and vegetables, especially those that have fallen into the ocean.
Animal Matter:
* Dead Fish: They scavenge on dead fish and other marine animals.
* Carrion: They feed on decaying organic matter found on the ocean floor.
* Small Invertebrates: They can catch and eat small invertebrates like worms, snails, and shrimp.
* Crustaceans: Some species will eat other crustaceans, especially if they are weak or injured.
* Crinoids: Some hermit crabs specialize in eating crinoids, a type of marine animal that resembles a plant.
* Fish Eggs: They can feed on fish eggs and larvae.
Important Note: While hermit crabs can be kept as pets, it's crucial to provide them with a balanced and diverse diet. Commercial hermit crab food, along with fresh fruits, vegetables, and occasional meaty treats, are essential for their health.