What do Fat clawed hermit crabs eat?

Fat clawed hermit crabs, also known as Coconut Crabs, are omnivorous, meaning they eat a variety of things! Here's a breakdown of their diet:

Primary Food Sources:

* Fruits: They love mangoes, coconuts, bananas, and other sweet fruits. They are known for their ability to crack open coconuts with their powerful claws.

* Carrion: They are scavengers and will readily eat dead animals, including fish, birds, and other crabs.

* Vegetation: They also consume leaves, grasses, and other plant matter.

Secondary Food Sources:

* Insects: They will eat insects like beetles, caterpillars, and crickets if they find them.

* Eggs: They've been observed eating bird eggs and other crab eggs.

Important Note: In captivity, it's important to provide them with a diverse diet that mimics their natural diet. This includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, meat, and calcium-rich foods.

Here are some additional details:

* Their diet is heavily influenced by availability: They are opportunistic feeders and will take advantage of whatever food sources are available in their environment.

* Their strong sense of smell helps them locate food: They can smell food from far distances, and will often travel long distances to find a meal.

Let me know if you have any more questions about coconut crabs! 🦀