What type of whale do the inuit eat?

The Inuit traditionally eat a variety of whale species, but the most common are:

* Bowhead whale: This is the largest whale hunted by the Inuit, and is a significant source of food and other materials.

* Beluga whale: These smaller whales are hunted for their meat, blubber, and skin.

* Narwhal: Though less common, the narwhal is hunted for its unique tusk, which has spiritual significance for the Inuit.

The Inuit have a deep respect for the whales they hunt and utilize every part of the animal. They use the meat for food, the blubber for oil and fuel, the bones for tools and crafts, and the skin for clothing and shelter.

It's important to note that whale hunting is a complex and sensitive issue. While traditional Inuit subsistence whaling is often permitted, commercial whaling is highly regulated and controversial.