What is the biggest threat to sea otters today?

The biggest threat to sea otters today is habitat loss and degradation. This encompasses a variety of factors:

* Oil spills: Oil spills can cause severe damage to sea otter fur, which is essential for insulation and buoyancy.

* Pollution: Runoff from agricultural and urban areas carries pesticides, fertilizers, and other pollutants that contaminate the water and food sources of sea otters.

* Coastal development: Construction of harbors, marinas, and other coastal structures can destroy or fragment sea otter habitat.

* Climate change: Rising sea levels, ocean acidification, and changes in ocean currents can alter sea otter habitat and food sources.

While fishing gear entanglement and predation by sharks and killer whales are also threats, they are less significant than habitat loss and degradation.

It's important to note that different sea otter populations face different threats depending on their location and specific environmental factors. For example, sea otters in California are particularly vulnerable to oil spills, while those in Alaska are more threatened by climate change.