* Monkeys: Primates like monkeys are known to love papaya, especially in the wild.
* Bats: Some bat species, like the fruit bat, include papaya in their diet.
* Rodents: Rats, squirrels, and other rodents may nibble on papaya if available.
* Deer: Deer are known to eat papaya in areas where it is grown.
* Pigs: Pigs can be fed papaya as part of their diet.
* Parrots: Parrots, especially larger species, can enjoy papaya as a treat.
* Fruit Doves: These birds are attracted to papaya's sweetness and often feed on it.
* Cockatoos: Cockatoos, like parrots, are known to enjoy a slice of papaya.
* Fruit Flies: Fruit flies are attracted to the ripe papaya's aroma and will feast on its juices.
* Beetles: Certain beetle species are drawn to papaya fruit and may damage it.
* Lizards: Some lizards, like iguanas, may consume papaya.
It's worth noting that the availability of papaya and its inclusion in animal diets can vary depending on the specific location and species.