What the heck do humpback whales eat?

Humpback whales are baleen whales, which means they have baleen plates instead of teeth.

Here's what they eat:

* Krill: Tiny crustaceans that are a primary food source for many whales.

* Small fish: Including herring, sardines, and anchovies.

* Squid: Cephalopods that are also a favorite of these whales.

* Other crustaceans: Such as copepods and amphipods.

They filter feed by:

1. Opening their mouths wide and swimming through a school of prey.

2. Taking in large amounts of water containing the food.

3. Closing their mouths and pushing the water out through their baleen plates, which act like a sieve to trap the food.

4. Swallowing the concentrated food.

Fun fact: Humpback whales can eat up to 3,000 pounds of krill in a single day!