1. African Rhinos:
- In the early 1950s, the total population of African rhinos is estimated to have been around 100,000 to 150,000.
- The black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) had a relatively larger population compared to other African rhino species.
- The white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) faced significant population declines due to illegal hunting, reducing their numbers to around 20,000 to 30,000 individuals.
2. Asian Rhinos:
- The greater one-horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) in India was estimated to have a population of around 3,500 to 4,000 in the 1950s.
- The Javan rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) population was extremely low, likely fewer than 100 individuals.
- The Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) had a small but stable population, with estimates of around 300 to 500 individuals in the 1950s.
It's important to note that these estimates may vary based on different sources and interpretations of available data, and rhino populations have experienced significant fluctuations over time due to various factors such as habitat loss, poaching, and conservation efforts.