How long can pitbulls live without water or food?

Without food: A healthy adult pitbull can survive approximately two weeks without food, but this will vary depending on their age, size, and overall health. During this period, they will rapidly lose weight and become weak, lethargic, and dehydrated.

Without water: A healthy adult pitbull can survive for approximately three days without water, but this will also vary depending on their age, size, and overall health. During this period, they will rapidly become dehydrated and may experience a number of health issues, including kidney failure, liver damage, and heat stroke.

It's important to note that these are only approximate figures, and individual dogs may vary widely in their ability to survive without food or water. If your pitbull goes without food or water for an extended period of time, it's important to seek medical attention immediately.

Here are some signs that your pitbull is becoming dehydrated:


- Skin that is dry and inelastic

- Fast heart rate

- Sunken eyes

- Lethargy or weakness

- Dry mouth and nose

- Reduced urine output

- Confusion

- Vomiting or diarrhea


- Drinking excessively

- Panting excessively

- Trying to drink from unusual places, such as toilets or puddles

- Excessive drooling

- Restlessness or anxiety

If your pitbull is showing any of these signs, it's important to give them water immediately and seek medical attention if the symptoms persist.