- How does a blue whale care for its baby?
- What color is an echidna?
- What do you call a casterated llama?
- Why are blue whales important to earth?
- How many babies can a mammal have?
- Who would win in a battle orca pod with more than 40 orcas megalodon predator x or trex?
- Is a yak hairy ape or an ox like thing?
- What is the heaviest bull mastiff?
- How many kids does elephant man have?
- How does a sea otter raise her babies?
- How old can orca whales be?
- Do beluga whales have lungs or gills?
- Is the blainvilles beaked whale endangered?
- How many legs does a blue whale have?
- Why were llamas called llamas?
- How long do bull mastiff live?
- How long does a rhino live in captivity?
- Is orca faster than blue whale?
- How long do cape fur seals live?
- How does a blue whale protect itself?
- What are llamas height?
- Where is the belly button of whales?
- What is a mammatus on tornado?
- How much do whale calves weigh?
- What does whale blubber feel like?
- How can camels survive?
- What is the role of beluga whale?
- How are llamas suited to life in their environment?
- Where do cougars get their water?
- What animals were raised in Oregon?
- How many whales are present in India?
- How many bones do killer whales have?
- How do killer whale change from birth to death?
- Where do laughing hyenas live?
- Do whales breach when happy?
- What country are Jack Russell Terriers from?
- What is the Difference between narwhal and Beluga whale?
- What is the lifetime of a blue whale?
- What is the length of sei whale?
- How many people will choose a chihuahua?
- What three states did llamas originate from?
- How llamas reproduce?
- How did blue whales become endangered?
- How does a hyena catch its pray?
- What type of products do people mainly use llama and alpaca fleece for?
- How many cape buffalo are in the world?
- Where do shih tzus origanate from?
- What kind of a animal is whale?
- Are blue whales related to mammoths?
- How many pounds do baby sei whales weigh?