- What do you call a three humped camel?
- What type of whale do the inuit eat?
- Are muskrats warm or cold bloded?
- What are names of famous killer whales?
- Did shamu the orca whale attack his trainer?
- Is a llama ectotherm or endotherm?
- How long does a shih tzu live?
- Would a llama eat monkey or would llama?
- What animals live with the capybara?
- How does the blue whale move?
- Is there camel snus spice in Oklahoma?
- Where do Humpback whales live?
- Does the humpback whale have teeth?
- Is is true that whales weigh about 100-150 tons?
- What body parts do beluga whales use to survive?
- Can a human have llama as pet?
- Does it help whales when barnicals are attached?
- What are adult humpback whales called?
- How big is a humback whale?
- How many years do Jack Russell terriers live for?
- Which animal would you find in the tail wing of Qantas airline vehicle?
- How much space does a shih tzu need?
- How can you tell a female or male bushbaby apart?
- Do beluga whales migrate or hibernate?
- Why is the pacific walruses becoming extinct?
- How long do llamas sleep?
- What is Texas large mammal?
- Is the killer whale biggest mammal on earth?
- What size are hyenas?
- Why are blue whales classified under class mammals?
- What whale can hold breath for hour?
- Can llamas make ice cream sundaes?
- What type of mammal is a platypus?
- How big are little cougars?
- How many animals live on mountains?
- What is a good headline for the worlds biggest tin sheep?
- Will a sugar glider ever work with cairn terrier?
- What are the plurals of box sheep and prince?
- Where are humpback whales main breeding area?
- What was the first mammal to live on earth?
- How long do shitzu bichons live?
- Do koalas live in the bush Western Australia?
- What is the fastest water mammal?
- How long is a baby killer whale?
- Where dop llamas live?
- Where do cougars live when its cold?
- Can you own a cougar in WA?
- How many babies do dwarf bunnies have?
- What clings to the back of gray whale?
- What challenges does the blue whale face?