What is 4 descriptive traits for a monkey?

Agile: Monkeys are characterized by their agility and ability to move gracefully through trees. They have long limbs and strong muscles that enable them to leap, swing, and climb with ease.

Intelligent: Monkeys possess high levels of intelligence and problem-solving skills. They are known for their curiosity and ability to learn new things, adapting to their environment and utilizing tools to obtain food and solve problems.

Social: Many species of monkeys live in social groups, exhibiting complex social structures and interactions. They communicate using various vocalizations, gestures, and body language, forming bonds, and cooperating within their groups.

Diverse: The term "monkey" encompasses a wide variety of species, ranging from tiny marmosets to large mandrills. Monkeys exhibit a remarkable diversity in terms of size, appearance, behavior, and habitats. They can be found in various environments, including tropical rainforests, savannas, and even deserts.