How do you play Monkey in the Middle?

Monkey in the Middle is typically played by three players, though it can be customized for teams of more than three players.


In a Monkey in the Middle with 3 players, there are 2 "Outside" players, and 1 "Middle" player.


To play Monkey in the Middle, all you need is a ball, typically a bouncy playground ball.

Basic Rules

- The rules are simple: whoever is “monkey in the middle” tries to hit any of the “outside” players with the ball.

- The outside players can hit the ball with their hands to avoid getting hit, but they cannot catch the ball.

- If any outside player is hit by the ball, they become the new Monkey in the Middle.

Advanced Rules and Variations

- The outside players can only dodge the ball with the body part designated by the monkey. For example, the monkey might call "Right hand only!" and then the outside players can only hit the ball back using their right hands. If the outside player gets hit with any other body part, they immediately become the new Monkey in the Middle.

- Multiple players can be the monkey at the same time, and all middle players must simultaneously dodge an incoming ball or risk becoming the sole Monkey in the Middle.

- The ball can only touch the ground three times before it must be hit or else the player who failed to hit the ball becomes the new Monkey in the Middle.

- The game can also be played in teams, with each team designated one "safe zone" where that team is protected from getting hit by the opposing team(s).