Here's why:
* Different vocal cords: Monkeys have different vocal cords and vocal tracts than humans. This means the sounds they make are produced differently and often sound different to our ears.
* Complex communication: Monkeys use a wide range of vocalizations, body language, and facial expressions to communicate with each other. These vocalizations can be used for alarm calls, food calls, social interactions, and other purposes.
* Species-specific calls: Different monkey species have their own unique vocalizations. What sounds like "oo" to us in one species might be a completely different sound in another.
So, what do those "oo" and "ahah" sounds actually mean?
It's impossible to say for sure without knowing the specific monkey species and context. For example, a "oo" sound could be a warning call, a food call, or a greeting depending on the situation.
It's important to remember that we can't just translate monkey vocalizations directly into human language. While we can learn to recognize some of their calls and understand their general meaning, their communication system is vastly different from ours.