Why did humans come from monkeys?

Humans did not come from monkeys. It's a common misconception, but it's not entirely accurate.

Here's the correct understanding:

* Humans and monkeys share a common ancestor. This ancestor lived millions of years ago, and both humans and modern monkeys evolved from it.

* We are not descended directly from monkeys. We share a lineage, but we diverged from the branch that led to modern monkeys.

* Evolution is a branching process. Imagine a tree. The trunk represents the common ancestor. The branches represent different species that have evolved over time. Humans and monkeys are on separate branches, but they share a common trunk.

In simpler terms: Imagine a family tree. You share ancestors with your cousins, but you are not directly descended from them. You both share a common ancestor, like a grandparent.

It's important to understand that evolution is a complex process, and the relationship between humans and monkeys is fascinating but often misunderstood.