* Walking and climbing: Gorillas walk on all fours, using their hands for support and balance. They also use their hands to climb trees, although they prefer to stay on the ground.
* Eating: Gorillas use their hands to grasp and bring food to their mouths. They often use their fingers to pick small fruits and leaves, and they can even use their hands to tear apart tough vegetation.
* Grooming: Gorillas spend a lot of time grooming each other, using their hands to pick out dirt, parasites, and loose hair. This helps to strengthen social bonds and maintain hygiene.
* Communication: Gorillas communicate through a variety of vocalizations and gestures, and their hands are an important part of this communication. For example, they may use their hands to point, to wave, or to touch each other.
* Nest building: Gorillas build nests to sleep in, and they use their hands to gather materials, such as leaves and branches. They also use their hands to shape the nest into a comfortable sleeping platform.
Overall, gorillas use their hands for a wide range of activities that are essential for their survival and well-being.