Where should you keep a pet monkey?

It is not recommended to keep a pet monkey. Here's why:

* They are wild animals: Monkeys are wild animals with complex social structures and needs that cannot be met in a domestic environment.

* They are highly intelligent and demanding: Monkeys require a significant amount of time, space, and specialized care, including enrichment activities, proper diet, and veterinary care.

* They can be dangerous: Monkeys can be unpredictable and bite, scratch, or even attack humans, especially when feeling threatened or stressed.

* Legal restrictions: Owning a monkey is illegal in many areas due to concerns about animal welfare and public safety.

Alternatives to owning a monkey:

* Visit a zoo or sanctuary: Observe and learn about monkeys in their natural habitat or in a controlled environment where their welfare is prioritized.

* Volunteer at a primate rescue organization: Contribute to the care and rehabilitation of rescued monkeys.

If you are considering owning a monkey, please reconsider and choose a pet that is better suited for a domestic environment.