* Large eyes: Owl monkeys have exceptionally large eyes, which allow them to gather more light and see better in low-light conditions.
* Tapetum lucidum: A reflective layer behind the retina, like a mirror, helps them see better in dim light.
* Monocular vision: Each eye focuses independently, granting them a wider field of vision.
* Large, low-set ears: This allows them to pick up sounds at greater distances and pinpoint their source.
Other adaptations:
* Strong, grasping hands and feet: They have opposable thumbs and big toes, providing excellent dexterity for climbing and moving through branches.
* Prehensile tail: Their tail is prehensile, meaning they can use it as a fifth limb for grabbing and hanging.
* Nocturnal lifestyle: They are exclusively active at night, avoiding daytime predators and competition.
* Vocalizations: They communicate using a variety of calls and whistles to keep in touch with each other.
* Solitary or small group behavior: Their social structure ranges from solitary to living in small family groups, minimizing competition for resources.
These adaptations are all essential for their survival in their tropical forest habitat, where they rely on their senses to navigate the dense undergrowth and find food.