What they DO have:
* Vocalizations: Monkeys use a wide range of calls, grunts, screams, and other sounds to communicate. These calls can convey information about food sources, danger, social status, and more.
* Body language: Posture, facial expressions, and gestures play a crucial role in monkey communication. They can signal aggression, submission, or playfulness through these cues.
* Visual cues: Monkeys often use visual signals, like flashing their eyelids or displaying brightly colored patches of fur, to communicate with each other.
* Scent marking: Some monkey species use scent marking to establish territories and communicate with others in their group.
Why it's NOT considered language:
* Lack of grammar: Monkey communication systems lack the complex grammar and syntax found in human language. They don't combine sounds in specific ways to create new meanings.
* Limited semantic range: Monkey calls are often tied to specific situations or emotions and lack the abstract concepts and complex ideas that human language conveys.
* No evidence of symbolic representation: While monkeys can learn to use signs to represent objects, there's no evidence they use these signs in a truly symbolic way to communicate complex thoughts.
Ongoing research:
Researchers are continuously learning more about monkey communication, and there's ongoing debate about the extent to which it can be considered language. Some argue that certain monkey species have systems that are closer to language than others.
In summary: Monkeys have sophisticated systems of communication that allow them to convey information about their environment, social status, and emotions. While these systems are impressive, they lack the complexity and abstract capabilities of human language.