* Hoots: A deep, resonant call, often used for communication over long distances.
* Screeches: High-pitched, piercing shrieks, used for alarm or aggression.
* Chirps: Short, sharp sounds, often used in social interactions.
* Growls: Low, guttural sounds, often used to express threat or dominance.
* Barks: Short, sharp sounds, similar to a dog bark, often used in communication.
* Chatters: A rapid series of clicks, often used in social interactions.
* Whistles: High-pitched, melodic sounds, often used for communication.
Non-vocal sounds:
* Teeth chattering: Used to express excitement, fear, or aggression.
* Drumming: Beating on the chest or a hollow log, often used for communication or territorial display.
* Foot-stomping: A rhythmic stomping of the feet, often used for communication.
It's important to note that these are just some examples, and the specific sounds a monkey makes can be quite complex and nuanced.
Do you want to learn more about a specific species of monkey and the noises they make?