1. Grooming:
* Social Grooming: Monkeys spend a lot of time grooming each other. This is a crucial social activity that strengthens bonds and helps maintain hygiene. They use their hands and teeth to pick out dirt, parasites, and other debris from each other's fur.
* Self-Grooming: They also groom themselves, using their hands, feet, and even their tails to reach all areas.
2. Bathing:
* Water: Many monkey species enjoy bathing in water. They may swim, wade in streams, or simply splash themselves with water. This helps remove dirt and parasites.
* Dust Baths: Some monkeys, particularly those living in drier climates, take dust baths. They roll around in dust to remove dirt and parasites from their fur.
3. Other methods:
* Scratching: Monkeys use their claws to scratch themselves, helping to remove dirt and irritants.
* Urine: Some monkeys use urine to clean themselves, particularly their hands and feet.
It's important to note that:
* Different species of monkeys have different cleaning habits. Some may use more water than others, while others may rely more on dust baths.
* The environment they live in also influences their cleaning habits. Monkeys living in tropical rainforests may have more opportunities to bathe in water, while those in drier areas may rely more on dust baths.
Overall, monkeys are very clean animals, and they invest a lot of time and effort in keeping themselves well-groomed.