Did Australopithecus africanus look like apes?

Australopithecus africanus did not look like modern apes. While they were definitely more ape-like than humans, they had several key features that set them apart from modern apes.

Here are some key differences:

* Bipedalism: Australopithecus africanus walked upright on two legs, a defining characteristic of hominids (the group that includes humans and our extinct ancestors). Apes, on the other hand, are primarily quadrupedal (walking on all fours).

* Smaller canines: While still relatively large compared to modern humans, Australopithecus africanus had smaller canines than most apes.

* Larger brains: While still much smaller than human brains, Australopithecus africanus had larger brains than most apes.

* Dental structure: Australopithecus africanus had a different dental structure than apes, with a more parabolic dental arch and smaller canine teeth.

* Facial features: Australopithecus africanus had a flatter face and a more prominent nose than apes.

In short, Australopithecus africanus was an early hominid that walked upright, had smaller canines, a slightly larger brain, and different facial features than modern apes. They were definitely more ape-like than humans but were distinct enough to be classified as a different species.

Here's a helpful analogy: Imagine a spectrum with modern humans on one end and modern apes on the other. Australopithecus africanus would be somewhere in the middle, closer to the ape side, but with some key features that set them apart.