How to Train a Capuchin Monkey

Capuchin monkeys are small, furry primates naturally found in Central and South America. Capuchin monkeys are considered highly trainable and are pets in many homes. They are sometimes used to assist people with debilitating medical conditions. They are generally mild-tempered animals, though they may need time to acclimate to new settings and visitors. Capuchin monkeys often enjoy midday naps, treats and spending time with their owners.

Things You'll Need

  • Crate
  • Harness and leash
  • Treats
  • Television
  • Visitors
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      Put a harness on your capuchin while it is still in its crate. By repeating this whenever you take your capuchin out, it will learn that its harness must be put on before it can leave the crate. Make sure that the harness is not so tight that it hurts your pet and not so loose that your capuchin can slip out.

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      Give your pet a treat when you place it back into its crate. Speak soothingly to it so that it knows that it is not being punished by being put in its crate. Keep the crate in a place in your home that you frequent. This will keep your capuchin from feeling abandoned. If you will not be near your capuchin for an extended period of time, leave your television or radio on so that it hears the noise and does not feel alone.

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      Lead your monkey on its leash, feeding it treats and speaking soothingly to it as you do, so that it comes to enjoy being walked. When you feed your capuchin a treat, it may lunge for it. Do not jerk your hand away, but keep still to show the monkey that you are dominant and not afraid of it.

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      Acclimate your capuchin to vistors and other family members slowly. Visitors should not try to touch your capuchin, as it may retailate in self-defense. If your capuchin bites or scratches someone, apply basic first aid and have them seen by a medical professional. Do not let your capuchin get away with biting you or anyone else. Grab it by the scruff of its neck and place it into its cage if it is outside of it. Ignore the capuchin for 15 minutes so that it knows it is being punished.