How to Breed Squirrel Monkeys

Squirrel monkeys are native to Brazil, Colombia, Peru and Bolivia. They are omnivores, and eat anything from small insects to fruit and leaves. In the wild, breeding occurs during the wet season, between February and April. In captivity, however, squirrel monkeys mate at any time of year. Providing a comfortable environment and proper nutrition to sexually mature monkeys will ensure breeding.

Things You'll Need

  • Large enclosure
  • Food (insects, small vertebrates, fruit)
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      Keep them in an environment that simulates their natural habitat. Large cages complete with climbing trees, ropes and plants will give them a sense of their natural environment. Keep the cage heated.

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      Ensure the males have a lot of food at their disposal. Males practically forgo any type of foraging activity during the mating season, so they undergo a "fattening up" period prior to the mating season. Provide them with ample amounts of insects, fruit, leaves, bark and small vertebrates such as lizards and tree frogs.

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      Keep sexually mature squirrel monkeys together. Males become sexually mature at four years old and females become mature at 2 1/2 years. The ideal age for reproduction among females is 3 1/2 to 4 years.

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      Keep the squirrel monkeys in large groups, as they live in their natural habitats. Provide them, however, with a large enclosure. Male squirrel monkeys become aggressive towards each other during the mating season, so ensure they can avoid each other and are not living in cramped conditions.

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      Ensure enough food for the baby monkeys. Squirrel monkeys give birth to one baby monkey at a time, and the baby usually begins suckling soon after birth. Provide them with solid food after 20 days. They will still suckle at this stage of their development, but they will also begin to eat solid food. After five to six months the baby monkeys will be fully weaned.