What animals survived the mesozoic extinction?


* Multituberculates: Small, burrowing mammals that resembled mice or shrews.

* Marsupials: Small, pouched mammals that included the ancestors of kangaroos, koalas, and wombats.

* Placentals: Mammals that give birth to live young that are nourished by a placenta.


* Archaeopteryx: A feathered dinosaur that is considered the earliest known bird.

* Enantiornithes: A group of birds that had teeth and long, bony tails.

* Hesperornithes: A group of birds that were flightless and lived in the oceans.


* Turtles: Turtles survived the extinction event and continued to thrive in the Cenozoic Era.

* Lizards: Lizards also survived the extinction event and continued to diversify in the Cenozoic Era.

* Snakes: Snakes survived the extinction event and continued to evolve and diversify in the Cenozoic Era.


* Frogs: Frogs survived the extinction event and continued to thrive in the Cenozoic Era.

* Salamanders: Salamanders also survived the extinction event and continued to diversify in the Cenozoic Era.

* Caecilians: Caecilians, which are legless amphibians that resemble worms, also survived the extinction event.


* Bony fish: Bony fish, which include most modern fish species, survived the extinction event and continued to diversify in the Cenozoic Era.

* Cartilaginous fish: Cartilaginous fish, such as sharks and rays, also survived the extinction event and continued to thrive in the Cenozoic Era.


* Insects: Insects, such as beetles, ants, and flies, survived the extinction event and continued to thrive in the Cenozoic Era.

* Crustaceans: Crustaceans, such as crabs, shrimp, and lobsters, also survived the extinction event and continued to diversify in the Cenozoic Era.

* Mollusks: Mollusks, such as clams, snails, and octopuses, also survived the extinction event and continued to evolve and diversify in the Cenozoic Era.