How to Find a Good Pet Monkey

Before purchasing a pet monkey, check your state's laws regarding primate ownership. Some states have banned the private ownership of monkeys. Research how to take care of a pet monkey. Consider whether you are willing to keep this pet for its entire lifespan, which could be about 25 to 50 years. Monkeys require a great deal of care, supervision and companionship. While they can be affectionate pets, they can also be expensive to care for. If you decide to get a pet monkey, purchase one from a reputable breeder.


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      Find a vet in your area who has experience working with primates. Before you adopt your pet monkey, you must ensure that you can provide quality medical care for it. If you are unable to find a vet knowledgeable about primates, you may wish to rethink your choice of pet.

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      Ask a vet if he knows of any local monkey breeders. If your vet is the only one in the area who specializes in primates, it is likely that local monkey breeders will bring their animals to him. Request contact information for the breeders. If other vets in the area also treat monkeys, talk to them and ask about reputable breeders.

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      Contact the breeders on your list and ask to visit. Inspect the facility where the monkeys are kept for signs of cleanliness. Check to see if the cages are well-maintained, if the animals are fed a healthy diet and if the monkeys themselves seem generally healthy. You may also ask the breeder for references from previous customers.

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      Ask the breeder if he has taken the primates to a vet. If so, request access to the health records to ensure that you are buying a healthy monkey.

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      Contact the Helping Hands organization if you are disabled. Helping Hands raises and trains pet monkeys to help the disabled. These monkeys can perform simple tasks, such as opening a bottle of water. If you are disabled, adopting a monkey from this organization may be an ideal option.