What enemies does the Florida panther have?

Habitat loss and fragmentation: The biggest threat to the Florida panther is habitat loss and fragmentation. The Florida panther's habitat is being rapidly developed for human use, such as housing, agriculture, and tourism. This process creates barriers that make it difficult for panthers to move around and find food and mates.

Hunting and poaching: The Florida panther was once hunted to near extinction for its fur. Although hunting of the Florida panther is now illegal, poaching still occurs. Poachers kill panthers for their fur, teeth, and claws, which are sold on the black market.

Disease: The Florida panther is also susceptible to a number of diseases, such as feline leukemia, feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), and rabies. These diseases can be transmitted from domestic cats to panthers, so it is important to keep domestic cats indoors.

Vehicle collisions: The Florida panther is often killed by vehicles on roads. This is a particular problem in areas where panther habitat is fragmented by roads.

Competition with other predators: The Florida panther also faces competition from other predators, such as bobcats, coyotes, and alligators. These predators can kill panthers or compete with them for food.