Diet for a Proboscis Monkey

Proboscis monkeys are one of the most unique looking animals in the world. They have large, bulbous noses that they use to make loud honking noises--hence the name. They are only found on the island of Borneo and have a very specialized evolutionary niche, which is partly a result of their diet.
  1. Leaves

    • Proboscis monkeys mainly eat the leaves of mangrove and pedada trees. They live up in the canopy of these large trees and are the only mid-sized mammal to live in that section of the jungle.


    • Proboscis monkeys are able to digest leaves because of their unusual stomachs. Their stomachs have different compartments that have cellulose-digesting bacteria. Digestion takes a long time and they need a lot of leaves to get enough nutrition. This makes the proboscis monkeys heavy with a pronounced potbelly.


    • The proboscis monkey feeds twice a day, in the early morning and evening. They rest during the day and do not move very quickly.

    Other Foods

    • Occasionally, proboscis monkeys eat fruits and seeds but the majority of their diet is made up of leaves.


    • Although they move rather slowly when in the canopy, proboscis monkeys are fast swimmers with partially webbed feet. Since they live in mangrove trees, which grow in swampy areas, this helps them traverse areas where they cannot count on the protection of the tree canopy and are more susceptible to predators.