Things You'll Need
- Decision making ability
- Source
- Finances
- Patience &Knowledge
- Adaptability
First, read everything you can find on the different species of monkeys kept as pets. There will be alot of information, some claiming it is all negative and ethically wrong. Use your own decision making ability based on well rounded research. Many people keep monkeys successfully, some do not.
Check the laws for your state to determine if it is legal to have a monkey as a pet. Also check local laws by contacting your county, city, township, health department. If you are told it is legal, get it in writing. People may change in the position by retirement, voting or other and so may the interpretation of the law. Do not buy a monkey as a pet if you cannot legally keep one. Consider adopting one by financially sponsoring one instead. See step 5.
If you are still considering buying a monkey as a pet after the previous steps, find an owner with experience to learn and see about adult monkey behavior. Try to visit and talk with as many as possible to get a well rounded view of what is involved. Make sure there is a veterinarian with the knowledge and experience accessible to you. Don't feel bad if you decide you cannot spend the time necessary to raise one, put up with messes made or any other reason to decide it isn't for you. If you still have a strong interest in monkeys there are other options.
If you've decided all factors are possible and are willing to be responsible for a monkey as a pet for 30 or more years then you've most likely talked with people who have done so successfully and can guide you in finding a monkey for sale from a reputable breeder. Choose wisely and listen to others not having any financial gain from your decision.
If you've decided keeping a monkey as a pet is not for you for whatever reason or have found it is illegal in your area you can still adopt a monkey in name by financially supporting one in a zoo or facility housing monkeys. Some places may also have volunteer programs to work around or with primates which is an excellent learning experience. Beware of some considering it 'ok' for them to keep and enjoy the daily life with monkeys while condemning others for doing so. Red flags are easy to spot once you know what to look for such as using animals for fund raising while making derogatory remarks about others doing so plus other indications of double standards. The resources section is intended as a starting point to finding positive information about keeping as negative information and often incorrect information is plentiful. Exotic pets are kept successfully by many people.