Are monkeys warmblooded and why?

Yes, monkeys are warmblooded. They are mammals, which means that they are warm-blooded vertebrates that have hair, produce milk for their young, and give birth to live young. Warm-blooded animals maintain a constant internal body temperature regardless of the temperature of their surroundings. This allows them to stay active in a wide range of environments, including cold climates.

Monkeys have a number of adaptations that help them maintain their body temperature. These adaptations include:

* A thick layer of fur: Fur helps to insulate the body and keep heat from escaping.

* A high metabolic rate: A high metabolic rate means that the body produces heat quickly.

* The ability to sweat: Sweating helps to cool the body down by evaporating water from the skin.

* The ability to pant: Panting helps to cool the body down by increasing the flow of air over the lungs.

These adaptations allow monkeys to survive in a wide range of environments, from the hot tropics to the cold mountains.