How to Fight Off a Monkey Attack

India has a population of violent and wild monkeys roaming the streets and entering businesses, homes and public buildings. Monkeys have attacked, injured and even killed citizens. Consider these suggestions to fight off a monkey attack and keep yourself safe.


  1. Avoid an Attack

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      Use common sense and don't use food to seek a monkey's attention. They are not domestic and tame animals, so don't try to pet them.

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      Walk away from roaming monkeys, no matter how far out of your way you need to go.

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      Stay close to a group of men if you are a child or a woman. Monkeys are less likely to attack men.

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      Work to convince officials to create a cage less monkey habitat area as a safe haven for the animals. The monkeys are attacking because they have lost the security of homes and food sources because people are destroying the monkeys' habitats.

    Fighting Strategy

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      Prepare to fight off a monkey attack by carrying a stick or an object to use as a weapon.

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      Watch for signs of a pending attack. The monkeys will look you in the eyes, open their mouths, show their teeth and then grunt.

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      Avoid eye contact with the monkeys and don't smile or let your teeth show. The monkeys will take these gestures as signs of aggression.

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      Throw any food you have to the monkeys. Desire for food is the biggest reason monkeys attack people.

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      Put up your palms and show your empty hands if you don't have food.

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      Form an "O" with your mouth, raise your eyebrows and then back away slowly. Remain calm because loud noises, flailing your arms or quick movements such as running will cause the monkeys to feel threatened and they will attack.

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      Scare the monkeys away using anything you find as a weapon to shake at them and give them room to retreat. Hit the monkeys on their heads with your stick or other weapon to fight off an aggressive monkey attack.