Keep a positive outlook and don't despair if your pet monkey develops a condition that requires you to give him a shot. Monkeys can develop diabetes just like humans. Thankfully, monkeys are very bright and learn quickly. You can train your pet monkey to accept daily insulin shots or any other type of shot that may become necessary.
Learn the best size of syringe and needle to use when you must give a pet monkey a shot. A syringe that is 0.5 ml and a 30-Guage needle provides a relatively painless injection. You can give the shot on any site of your monkey's body, but the shoulder is usually best.
Practice giving your pet monkey a shot for 1 to 2 weeks before you actually use the needle to give the shot. You must train him to accept the procedure. Use his favorite treat to teach him to offer his arm to you through the cage. You must get her to become familiar with the routine and get her accustomed to seeing the syringe. Once your pet monkey associates the syringe being put to her arm with receiving a favorite treat, shot-giving will become easy.
Consider another alternative if it's hard to get your monkey to offer his arm through the cage. Get him to press his body against the cage as you offer a treat. Be patient and remember that positive reinforcement always works.
How to Give a Pet Monkey a Shot
A pet monkey can be a delightful addition to your household if you enjoy exotic pets. If your pet monkey develops a condition that requires a shot, it can be challenging. Monkeys are lively creatures. They are also highly intelligent.