How to Feed a Monkey

This is not a comprehensive diet for all monkey breeds. Check with a local zoological society or zoo for details on feeding a particular species.

Things You'll Need

  • Dog Treats Or Animal Biscuits
  • Applesauce
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Monkey Chow Biscuits
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      Read appropriate books on the care and husbandry of the monkey species you're interested in.

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      Feed twice daily.

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      Provide monkey chow biscuits as well as fruits and vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots, apples and bananas.

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      Use monkey chow that contains 25 percent protein for New World monkeys.

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      Get monkey chow that contains 15 percent protein for Old World monkeys.

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      Be sure crickets and mealworms are properly fed with nutrients that balance their vitamin and mineral levels if you raise them for feed.

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      Supply ample amounts of water.