Is it odd to find a dead squirrel and opossum in your yard?

It's not necessarily "odd" to find a dead squirrel and opossum in your yard. Here's why:

* Natural Causes: Squirrels and opossums, like any wild animals, can die from natural causes like disease, old age, or even accidents (like falling from trees).

* Predation: Predators such as owls, hawks, coyotes, or even larger snakes can prey on these animals.

* Vehicle Accidents: If you live near a road, it's possible they were hit by a car.

What to do if you find a dead animal in your yard:

* Safety: Use caution when approaching any dead animal. Some may carry diseases. Wear gloves and avoid touching open wounds.

* Disposal: Depending on your local regulations, you might be able to dispose of the animal in your yard's trash or compost bin. Check with your local animal control or sanitation department for guidance.

* Pests: If the animal is dead for a while, it could attract other pests. Try to remove it promptly.

* Disease: If you have pets or children, be mindful of potential disease exposure. It's a good idea to wash your hands thoroughly after handling the animal or its surroundings.

When to be Concerned:

* Multiple Animals: Finding several dead animals in a short time could indicate a larger problem like a disease outbreak.

* Unusual Circumstances: If the animals appear to have died in a strange way (e.g., multiple animals showing similar signs of illness), you might want to contact your local animal control or wildlife agency.

Overall, finding a dead squirrel and opossum in your yard isn't inherently unusual, but it's always best to be cautious and follow appropriate disposal guidelines.