What are three animals that go through incomplete metamorphisis?

Three animals that undergo incomplete metamorphosis are:

1. Grasshoppers: Grasshoppers hatch from eggs as nymphs that resemble miniature versions of the adults. As they grow and shed their skin, they develop wing pads, which gradually enlarge until the grasshopper reaches adulthood and is able to fly.

2. Dragonflies: Dragonflies begin their lives as aquatic nymphs that live in ponds, lakes, and other bodies of water. The nymphs have long, segmented bodies and breathe through gills. As they grow, they molt their skin several times and develop wing buds. When the nymphs are ready to emerge as adults, they crawl out of the water and their wings expand and harden.

3. Earwigs: Earwigs hatch from eggs as nymphs that look similar to the adults, but they are smaller and wingless. As the nymphs grow, they molt their skin and develop wing buds. The adults have一对 of short, leathery wings that they can use to fly short distances.