How to Locate a Pet Opossum Breeder

The growing popularity of opossums, especially more exotic types such as the short-tailed opossum (STO) varieties from South America, has helped to create a thriving opossum breeder industry in this country. By doing the proper research beforehand, you'll be able to find the right pet opossum that you and your family will enjoy. Read on to learn more.


  1. Locate a Pet Opossum Breeder

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      Determine the laws in your area concerning ownership of exotic animals before you set your heart on owning an opossum. Some area may prohibit ownership of pet opossums completely, while others may just require a specific license or permit.

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      Do some research on opossums and decide what type of animal you would like to own. While many breeders feature the short-tailed South American opossums, which are known for being friendly and easy to live with, quite a few breeders still champion the more common varieties. Even rarer varieties are available, such as the tiny mouse opossum, but they may be expensive and hard to find.

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      Request references from a breeder once you locate one that seems both convenient and trustworthy. Ask them if you contact some of their clients to see how pleased they are with their pet opossums.

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      Visit local pet shops and ask if they carry opossums, or know of any breeders in the area. Stores that specialize in rodents, reptiles and other exotic small animals may be more resourceful in this regard than businesses that concentrate mostly on more traditional pets such as dogs and cats.

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      Search for discussion forums or chat rooms on the Internet and ask opossum owners where they purchased their pets, as ask them for any advice on what to look for when it comes to legitimate opossum breeders.

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      Check online resources such as the Know Your STO and Opossum Page websites for a list of opossum breeders all over the country (see Resources below). These websites not only contain links to breeders, but to information regarding care, diet and medical tips.