How to Groom a Pet Opossum

Both short-tailed opossums and Virigina opossums are clean animals with minimal grooming needs. They can do with a some help, though, but you will find that grooming a pet opossum takes only a little time each month.

Things You'll Need

  • Chincilla dust
  • Small basin
  • Mild soap
  • Gloves
  • Mild shampoo
  • Nail trimmer
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  1. If You Have a Pet Short-Tailed Opossum:

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      Know that short-tailed opossums groom themselves thoroughly and tend to stay clean. However, sometimes their fur will get greasy, especially in males and in opossums that live in humid conditions.

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      Provide chinchilla dust for your pet opossum to bathe in at least once a month. The dust absorbs the grease and will help your opossum groom herself. Place the dust in a small basin in your pet's living quarters.

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      Bathe your opossum in water if the monthly dust bath does not keep her fur clean. Use a sink or small basin, warm water and mild soap. Wear gloves to avoid getting bitten. After the bath, towel dry your opossum and return her to her cage.

    If You Have a Pet Virginia or North American Opossum:

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      Know that Virginia opossums are clean animals with no odor when healthy. They will take care of most of their own grooming needs.

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      Bathe your pet Virginia opossum infrequently, and only when absolutely necessary. Virginia opossums need the natural oils of their fur to stay healthy. Use a mild, soap-free shampoo and warm water for bathing. Towel dry your pet opossum and place her in a favorite resting place after a bath.

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      Trim your Virginia opossum's nails often, about every three weeks. Their nails grow quickly and aren't worn down readily in pet opossums. You can use human fingernail clippers or clippers made for pets with small nails.