1. Shooting: Emus have been hunted and killed for their meat and feathers. Professional shooters and government-sponsored culls have been used in some cases to control emu populations.
2. Trapping: Emus have been trapped in nets or enclosures to capture them alive. This method is sometimes used to relocate emus from areas where they may conflict with human activity.
3. Poisoning: Emus have been poisoned by using chemicals such as strychnine and arsenic. Typically a poison grain bait is scattered in areas frequented by emus. However, this method can also harm other wildlife and is generally not preferred.
4. Suffocation: Emus have been suffocated by burning sulfur in their burrows or by covering their heads with a plastic bag. Both methods are inhumane and not recommended.
5. Drowning: Emus can drown if they are forced into a deep body of water and are unable to escape. This method can also harm other wildlife and is not recommended.
It is important to note that the killing of emus should only be carried out in accordance with local regulations and in a humane manner. Many methods of killing emus can cause unnecessary suffering and distress to the animals, and it is important to use the most humane methods possible when managing emu populations.