What are the white tigers enemies?

White tigers are not a separate species, but rather a color morph of the Bengal tiger. As such, they share the same enemies as other Bengal tigers:

* Other tigers: Tigers are solitary animals, and males often fight over territory and mates.

* Large predators: Leopards, dholes (wild dogs), and even bears can prey on tiger cubs or compete for food.

* Humans: Human activities like poaching, habitat destruction, and conflict with livestock are major threats to tigers, including white tigers.

* Disease: Tigers are susceptible to diseases like distemper, rabies, and feline leukemia.

* Climate change: Climate change can impact tiger populations by altering their prey base and creating more extreme weather events.

It is important to note that white tigers are especially vulnerable due to their rarity and their often-reduced ability to camouflage themselves in their natural environment.