What was the cilmate where saber-toothed Tigers lived?

Saber-toothed cats, like Smilodons, lived in a variety of climates across the globe. They were around during the Pleistocene epoch, from about 2.6 million to 11,700 years ago, a time when the Earth experienced cycles of warming and cooling, leading to different climate conditions in different regions.

Here's a breakdown:

* North America: The climate in North America during the Pleistocene varied from cold, glacial periods to warmer interglacial periods. Smilodons thrived in open grasslands, woodlands, and even some semi-arid environments.

* South America: South America was also subject to climate fluctuations, with some regions experiencing periods of increased aridity. Smilodons adapted to a range of habitats, including grasslands, forests, and even mountainous regions.

* Europe: Europe's climate during the Pleistocene was similar to North America, with alternating glacial and interglacial periods. Saber-toothed cats like Homotherium were well-adapted to both cold and temperate environments.

* Africa: While not as directly impacted by glacial cycles, Africa still experienced climate variations during the Pleistocene. Saber-toothed cats in Africa, like the Machairodus, were likely adapted to a range of habitats, including savannas, woodlands, and forests.

* Asia: Saber-toothed cats in Asia, like Megantereon, inhabited a diverse range of environments, from cold, mountainous regions to warm, tropical forests.

In summary: Saber-toothed cats were highly adaptable and survived in a variety of climates, from cold, glacial environments to warm, tropical forests. They were generally associated with open grasslands, woodlands, and semi-arid habitats.