How do tiger sharks avoid predators?

Tiger sharks are apex predators, meaning they sit at the top of the food chain. This means they don't typically have predators.

However, they can be vulnerable to larger sharks, like great whites, especially in areas with high populations of both species.

Here are some other ways tiger sharks protect themselves:

* Size and strength: Tiger sharks are large and powerful, making them formidable opponents.

* Aggressive behavior: They are known for their aggressive nature and will readily defend themselves if threatened.

* Sharp teeth: Their numerous, serrated teeth are well-suited for tearing through prey and can be used to inflict serious damage on potential predators.

* Camouflage: Their striped coloration can help them blend in with their surroundings, making them harder to spot.

* Wide range of prey: Their diverse diet means they have a variety of food sources, making them less reliant on specific prey items and less vulnerable to fluctuations in prey populations.

While tiger sharks are generally safe from being hunted, there are a few other potential threats:

* Human interaction: Tiger sharks are often the target of fishing and may be caught unintentionally.

* Habitat loss: As their habitats are degraded or destroyed, their numbers can decline, making them more vulnerable to other threats.

Overall, tiger sharks are apex predators that rely on their size, strength, and aggressive nature to defend themselves. They are typically safe from being preyed upon, but face threats from humans and habitat loss.