Here's why:
* Diet: Tiger sharks are opportunistic feeders with a varied diet. They are known to consume almost anything, including fish, sea turtles, birds, dolphins, seals, and even garbage. This wide range of prey is indicative of their scavenging instinct.
* Powerful Bite: They have a powerful bite, allowing them to crush bones and shells. This makes them efficient scavengers, enabling them to break open carcasses and consume their contents.
* Nocturnal Behavior: Tiger sharks are often more active at night, which aligns with their scavenging behavior as they may be more likely to find carcasses in the darkness.
* Sense of Smell: They have a highly developed sense of smell, which helps them locate decaying carcasses from far distances. This is crucial for their scavenging activities.
While tiger sharks are formidable predators, their scavenging instinct plays a significant role in their survival, enabling them to thrive in various environments and utilize a diverse food source.