Likely Fighting Styles:
* Canine Strikes: The most obvious weapon was their massive saber-like canines. They likely used these for slashing, tearing, and delivering fatal blows to the neck or head of their opponent.
* Body Slam and Bite: Saber-toothed tigers probably also employed wrestling tactics, using their powerful bodies to grapple and bring an opponent down. Once downed, they could deliver a devastating bite with their canines.
* Claws: Like modern big cats, they had retractable claws on their paws. These would have been used for grappling, slashing, and inflicting wounds.
* Head-to-Head Confrontation: Evidence suggests saber-toothed tigers may have locked horns, similar to how modern deer or goats fight, using their heavy heads as weapons.
* Social Structure: Saber-toothed tigers may have been solitary animals, reducing the need for frequent territorial battles. However, they may have fought for mates or resources.
* Size and Strength: These animals were built for power and strength, likely capable of delivering devastating blows.
* Bite Force: While their canines were impressive, their bite force might not have been significantly stronger than modern big cats.
Important Note: The actual fighting styles of saber-toothed tigers remain a matter of speculation. We can only use existing evidence and inferences from modern big cats to create a possible picture.