Why do tigers and lions eat flesh?

Tigers and lions are obligate carnivores, which means their bodies are designed to consume and digest meat. Here's why:

* Physiological adaptations: Their digestive systems are adapted to break down meat efficiently. They have short intestines and a strong stomach acid that can digest bones and other tough tissues.

* Nutritional needs: They need a high-protein diet to fuel their large bodies and support their active lifestyle. Meat provides the essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that they can't get from plants.

* Hunting instincts: Tigers and lions are apex predators, meaning they are at the top of the food chain. They have evolved with strong hunting instincts, sharp teeth and claws, and powerful muscles that enable them to catch and kill prey.

* Evolutionary history: Over millions of years, their ancestors developed specialized adaptations for hunting and consuming meat, leading to their current obligate carnivorous status.

In short, tigers and lions eat flesh because it's their natural diet, their bodies are built for it, and they have evolved to be highly effective hunters.