What can you do to keep a tiger away?

Avoid tiger habitats:

- Tigers inhabit dense forests, grasslands, and mangrove swamps. If you are in an area known to have tigers, avoid these habitats.

Make noise:

- Tigers are stealthy predators that often rely on surprise to hunt. Making noise while you are walking or hiking can help to alert them to your presence and give them time to move away.

Carry a deterrent:

- Carry a strong flashlight, a walking stick, and a whistle or another noisemaking device. If you do encounter a tiger, use these items to make yourself large and intimidating. Use the whistle or noisemaking device to scare the tiger away.

Travel in groups:

- Tigers are more likely to avoid groups of people. If you are travelling in a group, stay close together and make noise while you walk.

Look out for tiger signs:

- If you see tiger paw prints, scrapes on trees, or fresh kill, leave the area immediately.

Do not attempt to approach or interact with a tiger if you encounter one. Back away slowly while making noise and trying to look large and intimidating. If the tiger starts to charge, run away as fast as you can. Do not climb a tree, as tigers are excellent climbers.