How do tigers stay healthy?

Exercise and activity: Tigers are naturally active animals, and they need plenty of exercise to stay healthy. They spend much of their time walking, running, and hunting, and they also enjoy swimming. By staying active, tigers can maintain their muscle mass, cardiovascular health, and overall fitness.

Water intake: Like all animals, tigers need to drink water regularly to stay hydrated. They drink from rivers, lakes, ponds, and other water sources, and they may also eat snow or ice to stay cool in warm weather.

Grooming: Tigers spend a lot of time grooming themselves to stay clean and free of parasites. They lick their fur, bite their nails, and scratch themselves against trees and rocks. Grooming also helps to distribute their natural oils and keep their skin healthy.

Diet: Tigers are carnivores, and they need to eat meat to survive. They primarily hunt and eat deer, antelope, and wild pigs, but they will also eat smaller animals such as rabbits, rodents, and birds. Tigers need to eat a lot of food to maintain their body weight, and they may eat up to 20 pounds of meat in one meal.

Veterinary care: In the wild, tigers do not have access to veterinary care, so they must rely on their natural defenses to stay healthy. However, tigers in captivity can receive regular checkups and vaccinations from veterinarians to help prevent and treat diseases.

By following these simple tips, tigers can stay healthy and live long and happy lives.