What do saber tooth tiger eat?

Saber-toothed cats primarily preyed on large herbivores that lived in their habitats. These herbivores could vary based on geographic regions and time periods:

Mammoths: During the Pleistocene epoch, the saber-toothed tiger (specifically Smilodon) coexisted with mammoths and could have hunted both adults and young individuals.

Giant Ground Sloths: Giant ground sloths were also hunted by saber-toothed cats. These heavy herbivores were likely targeted because of their slow movement.

Horses: Horses of ancient species known as equids or paleo-horses were commonly taken as prey by saber-toothed cats.

Deer: Various species of deer could be found on the Pleistocene landscape, offering hunting opportunities for these predators.

Saber-toothed cats used stealth and ambush tactics to bring down their prey. Their muscular frames allowed them to overpower and kill these large herbivores quickly and efficiently. It's worth noting that their famous saber teeth were likely an adaptation for piercing the thick skin and tissues of these large prey species.