How many types of orioles are there?
There are 31 species of orioles. In the 9 genera which include Mimeta, Psomocolaptes, Icterus, Agelaius, Sturnella, Leistes, Pezites, Cacicus, Amblycercus, Ocyalus, Clypicterus, Pendulinus, Dolichonyx, Euphagus, Quiscalus, Gymnomystax, Macroagelaius, Chrysosomus, Xanthocephalus, Molothrus, Scaphidura, Dives, Pyrocephalus, Lampropsar, Sturnella, Hypopyrrhus, Icteropsis, Icteria, Xanthornus, Gymnomystax, Nesopsar, Gymnomystax, Gnorimopsar, Macropsalis, Chrysomus, Nesopsar, Nesospingus, Sicalis, Emberizoides, Pseudosicalis, Paroaria, Oreomanes, Conirostrum, and Peucaea. All species belong to the Passeriformes order and the Icteridae family.